Friday, June 23, 2006

I was...but it happ...I...okay

Being raised in a religious family is rather difficult. Not because there are problems with the family itself. Quite the opposite really. If I was to put my families relative okay-ness on a scale of one to ten I would have to say we are pretty okay. The problem is that as a part of this family being religious and having a personal/public/private relationship with God is common. The real issue becomes when it gets difficult. My sister in her own (WE)blog today (or someday) said that as young adults we get comfortable with the church doing things for us and we get lazy. The same is true with family. In the family having that connection is easy and comfortable, everybody seems to do it. However outside of the family in our daily lives it is harder because other people are not helping us and making it easy and comfortable. Well that is how it seems to me at least. My wife and I don't see each other on weekends much. Before when we did have a Sunday off we made sure to go to church together but as time has gone by it has become much easier to just not. We don't know very many religious people out here and I, at least, have become comfortable doing my own thing. I still pray and talk with God but there is definitely

something that is astray. I say it is because I am far from a church and that my spouse and I don't have the time to blah blah blah... but that is a me making excuses to feel better. In reality if it was a real priority then I would make time for it. I make more time for things I like doing, but less for God... pretty silly really. Oh well there you have it.

In other news: I got a new computer the other day. The PX (post exchange(army walmart)) had a sony Vaio for sale there. Which is what I had. They had a computer I was looking at i 2 models. VGN270 and VGN170. Both were the same price both, on the display had the same specs. I randomly picked one and they were out. So I said I'll take the other (they look the same too). As it turns out it was the better of the two. It had twice the RAM and hard-drive in addition to a better processor...and magically this better computer was (as it turned out) $100 LESS than the worse computer they were out of. No one knows why. There you go. Laptop 1 gig memory 100GB hard drive, 1.83 GHZ processor 14.4" screen for about $1000. The military has its advantages.

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