Monday, June 19, 2006

Something, something, and something

I was on leave not long ago. As I have a habit of explaining military terms in mind-numbing minutae I will explain leave... even though everyone already knows what it is. We in the "Army" get thirty days of paid vacation. this is leave. <--- that was not technically a sentence. (Ir)regardless- I hate it when people say irregardless. Do they realize it means nothing? I hope so if you say regardless it means you are not giving regard to something if you irregard then you have chosen to ignore a fact, but if you chose to ignore something that you are not giving regard to then what does that mean... are you paying attention to it? are you ignoring the fact that it means nothing and therefor paying lots of attention to it? I don't get it.
Regardless... When we got back from leave some one broke into my house and stole my laptop computer. As a result of this I am updating this blog via smoke signals and morse code. It's a little complicated but I figured it was worth it for the two people that look at this thing on a monthly basis. If things go well I should be able to buy a new computer here in a little bit. I don't know what to get though!!!11!1!! I was too excited to continously hold down on the shift key. Well there you have it, peace out donny.

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