Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Shoes, Running, and Being Fat

I said yesterday that I was going to be doing a APFT today (refer to yesterdays posting if you have memory problems). For the most part it went pretty well. As it turns out I maxed the Pushups (I did 78) I got a 70-ish on the situps (57) and I got a 65-ish on the run (15:50). The interesting thing is the weigh-in. The Army wants people to not be fat, understandably. It turns out that since last month I have lost three pounds, shrunk more than an inch and gained 3.7% body fat, also my neck is 1/2 an inch smaller. To say that the system of measuring health and fitness is flawed is similar to saying that my NCOIC has the occasional alcoholic beverage or that Jesus accidentally got stuck in some wood. You see somethings aren't just a little bit (for those of you who are currious Jesus really did get on the cross on purpose, so don't panic you can reference the Lord in analogies and still be a nice person... and my NCOIC is a drunk).

No one cares about what I have to say about the military though, sorry for boring you (no one is reading this and I know it) with needless details and rambling similies. On the other side of things my wifes parents dropped by the other day. I thought we were a little out of the way, but they got caught up in traffic on the way home from Kansas to Kansas and decided to go 20 hours out of there way to avoid the frustration of deer migrating at night. Everything has been going pretty well. We have found a new shoe store too. The Shoe Carnival. I feel weird going to a store that has the word Carnival in the title. for whatever reason Carny's have never been people that have inspired a lot of trust in me. So to go to a store that models itself as a Carnival is somewhat out of my comfort zone. On the bright side those Malasian kids do a heck of a job with their stitching. Well I think thats probably enough for today, prett soon I'm going to start offending people.

1 comment:

Donny said...

I'm sorry to hear that you are getting fat. Is it your wife's cooking? That's how I did it. If she's a good cook I'm coming for dinner some night. Do I need to call first?