Friday, April 14, 2006

Near Misses and Air Conditioning

So this last wekk my wife, who shall remain nameless (unless you know her name, in which case it is Rebecca) had a car "incident" it was not an accident, no collision occured, but there almost was and she still got whip-lash. I will explain the circumstances. Imagine you are at an intersection where you are on a small road turning left on to a five lane road (two lanes one way to lanes another and a tunring lane). To your left there is a hill, about 75 yards (225 feet) away. You check and see that it is clear to turn and proceed into the dangerous road. As you turn a lady in a small red "car" (Rebecca says sporty, but she also thinks her Jeep is sporty, take that how you will) approached at excessive velocity. When said woman sees you she slams on the brakes leaving a 35 foot tire mark on the ground. Due to the fast deceleration she swerves to the left towards the vehicle you are in. To keep from collidiing with her now you slam on your brakes to avoid the empty headed soul that wishes to ram her vehicle into yours. Fortunately no one was hurt, then the woman gives you a dirty look, because you (not her of course) almost caused an accident.
I have driven on that road, admittedly faster than I should have and have never, ever had an issue stopping when I see someone coming out of the same spot. I hvae gone as fast as 55 (in a 45) and decelerated safely and did not jar myself. I can only imagine how fast this sweet young strumpet must have been going, but my guess is faster than 80 (in a 45).
In other news we just paid 900 dollars to replace the evaporator coil in our Jeep becuase the AC was not working. Now that its replaced the car is nice and not cold. why? they forgot to recharge the coolant. So we took it back and low-and-behold there is a pinhole leak somewhere that will cause the coolant to slowly leak out of the Jeep. This will cost 350 dollars to fix. I will probably punch someone in the throat because of this. Any way I will catch you later


Carrie said...

Crazy drivers! R should have hauled out her bow, like she did with that deer that tried to take you out when you were driving down the interstate. People should know better than to mess with r-becca tank. That lady was lucky.

Anonymous said...

true dat!