Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Four miles...

About two weeks and a half weeks ago I was doing a 6-mile trail run with my Company. A Company, for those unfamiliar with the Military, is a type of unit. Here is a quick breakdown. The Army is made of several "Armies" a unit of size measurement. The Continental US has two armies, east and west. There is also a Europe army, and a pacific army. From army it goes to Divisions (the 82nd Airborne division is an example). A division will have several thousand soldiers. Divisions are made of Brigades (usually four). A brigade is made of Battalions (usually four or five). A battalion is made of comapanies (at least four possibly as many as 8). Companies are made of Platoons (about four, each platoon has about 50-75 soldiers). Platoons are made of squads (always four) and have around 15-20 soldiers. There is a quick lesson for you. anyway, we were doing this six mile run and I twisted my knee. so for the past couple weeks I havge had some trouble running and was given a profile (military lingo) saying I should not run. Yesterday I was running with a friend who just got back from Iraq and we went about four miles. My knee hurt around mile 3, but I kept on trucking. Basically this is a long way of saying I run more than I should and I hurt my knee. also, below this is chapter two of my book.

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