Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Beer in North Carolina

Rebecca and I have some friends who are really big beer fans. As a result of this they pay a lot of attention to what is going on in the world of Beer, believe me there is a whole world of it too. This next weekend there is a Beer Festival in Ralliegh NC that they are going too. Now, for Rebecca and I beer is not that big of a deal. Let me clear something up real quickk (for those who are currious) I have no problem with people drinking. In fact I occassionally have a drink. I do not believe there is some morae out there that tells people that to allow alcohol to enter your body is the essence of drinking in the devil. If that was the case then I could never have cough medecine. What I do believe is that excess is bad news. In anything, eating drinking, playing video games, or sleeping. all of these things when done in excess can take the place of God and that becomes an issue. The reason alcohol can be so dangerous is that it is easy for people to get pulled into its shadowy depths. So to recap real quick: 1) beer in NC, 2) drinking isn't that bad. Okay, so Rebecca and I are thinking that we might go, this is because we like these folks and we have been told it is a really friendly place (few alcoholics go becuase the beer glasses are too small) and they have good live music. For any more insights into the human psych, or about what drinks I like send me an e-mail at Dontemailme@shutup.com Thanks

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