Thursday, January 29, 2009

It has begun...again.

So here we are. Its the new year and I am placing my first posting upon the virgin internet of 2009. I have decided to begin working on my novel again, I spent way too much time away from it and have only been doing a little bit on it here and there, and almost nothing for the last six months. My decision is that to keep myself fresh I am going to make sure that I write something everyday, and when I work on the novel I will be sure that I write three pages on it at a time, at that rate I should be able to finish it in the next six months. Of course just because its finished doesn't mean that I will be done working on it. I still have to go over it a few times, makes sure the grammar and language are appropriate and make any changes to the story that need to take place.
Additionally I have not been involved in doing anything to exciting recently. I think thats a lie actually. I have been working pretty hard at Edward Jones for the last 9-ish months. Talking with people who have been in this industry for a while and they have told me with a great deal of certainty that this has been the most difficult market that they have ever experienced. That being said I have managed to meet the goals that have been set for me and from time to time actually exceed expectations. I would have to say that I did the most work during the month of December, and interestingly that was the month that I had the least amount of results. When January came around I reaped the rewards from last months work.
I don't really have very much clever insight to provide on any of the various and sundry topics that I usually like to write about, but I will have to make sure that I come up with some clever and witty prose with which to spill upon the empty screen before me. Additionally I am going to try and type on this ol blog here from time to time. With that I bid you Adieu.

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