Thursday, March 23, 2006

They say that in the Army the chow is mighty fine...

I've been in the Army now working on two years. for the most part I can't really find space to complain. I know that my wife has had solme issues that she has had to deal with and that it has caused a little difficulty for her, but for the most part its not too terrible. A friend of mine, same job as me, different unit, just back from Iraq the day before yesterday. He seems to be doing pretty well. No problems (after all he IS a Mental Health Super-Star (thats what they told us when we were in training (I didn't believe them then either))). I cannot bring myself to have any desire to stay in the military after my enlistment is up. When you break it down to dollars and cents I make pretty close to 25,000 a year...hmmm.... and I'm getting a Masters in Business Administration so it's possible, though hard to imagine (read as sarcasm (if you missed it the first time just read it again)), that I could make more money outside of the military.

In tha Army we have this stuff called "Cadence". Thats the stuff we march to in the movies. You that whole "Left right, left right, left...left..." and so forth. The idea is to get everyone moving at the same time and speed together. Well just left right left gets boring. so at some point people came up with little ditty's to get people "motivated". Motivation is the corner stone of the military. One of these is "they say that in the Army the buscuits are mighty fine, well one rolled off a table and killed a friend of mine....o lord I wanna go, but they won't let me go, ho-o-o-home".
My Favorite is "My girls a vegetable, she lives in a hospital, I would do anything to keep her alove, to keep her in smiles..." I like it because its stupid. The cadence goes on to tell about her terribel breath, bear-like hair, and that occassionally he jokes around with her by pulling the chord on life supprt. Anyway, the military is a unique organization to be part of. While I do not want to make a career out of it, I am glad I had this experience. Peace out Profiles

-as a side note a profile is something the military gives out to soldiers who are hurt or injured so they have an excuse to not do PT (physical Training). "Peace out Profiles" is a term from my training days that was said to the profiles, who could not march and run with us, as we left.

1 comment:

Carrie said...

Who knew you'd be so prolific - 2 whole posts! wow...